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We recognise the value and importance of high quality financial advice and the important role Financial Advisers have to play in making sure their clients can achieve their personal and financial objectives.

We understand your time
is precious and that increasing regulatory and compliance requirements can impact the time you have to support your clients.

We recognise that investment research
, fund selection and ongoing rebalancing of your client’s portfolios is complex and time consuming.

Working with Rockhold
can help remove some of these challenges as our approach involves appointing external investment advisers to run specific investment mandates on our behalf, where we will then monitor and oversee the performance of those solutions to ensure they meet their objectives in terms of risk and return. We also retain the right to select a different adviser should circumstances require it and can ensure that clients will not be disrupted as a result of any transition.

We offer a broad proposition
, via funds and portfolios, with different managers, to give choice and flexibility, all sitting under the oversight of Rockhold, where we monitor the performance of the managers against their mandates, with a primary focus on risk alignment.



Defined risk outcomes – investment solutions should have clearly defined risk outcomes, which are used as a way of measuring the fund or portfolio managers performance.

Robust investment process – the investment partners who run mandates for us must have clearly articulated and robust investment processes, so we can oversee their performance and ensure transparency for advisers around how their clients money is being managed.

Rigorous research – Our investment partners employ rigorous quantitative research to help them select the best passive or active funds used within out solutions. They then undertake extensive qualitative analysis of funds, including meeting fund managers where appropriate.


To find out more about the Rockhold approach to investment download our guide for advisers and planners.
